Friday, February 10, 2012

Get up...

... come on get down with the sickness!
Disturbed - Down With The Sickness [Spotify]

So... yeah. I'm sick. Actually threw up for the first time in some years. Can't say I've missed it. But I kinda knew it would come some day. Especially since I thought yesterday: "Hmm... Everyone is sick, I'm not. YAY!". Jinxed it bigtime.

Anyballs. I actually got two photos down a couple of days ago! Kind of stoked. Been a lack of inspiration lately. So feels good to get something down every once in a while!

- Aleksander


  1. Det var veldig fine bilder :) og god bedring, igjen..

  2. Fine bilder Army :D uff, spy..ikke koselig.


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