Sunday, December 25, 2011


... gonna change my mind. We can leave it all behind. Nothing's gonna stop us, no not this time! So take your hand in mine, it's ours tonight!
Black Veil Brides - Rebel Love Song [Spotify]

Now, christmas eve is over. As usual the meal is the highlight of the day! Well, closely followed by talking to Anniken. Whom I miss a great deal!

This year I didn't expect any presents. So happy to get a couple! Together with the cash I got for my birthday, I'm now halfway to getting the lense I want for my camera! Haven't completely decided yet, but for now it's this one. 

Today I actually got around to getting my picture taken on christmas eve to! Not bad, ey?

What do you think of my christmas outfit? Haha.
- Aleksander


  1. TRUE NORWEGIAN SWAGGER! you heard me bro :)
    i love the outfit, cos' mainly here they dress all red and green which is way too common for xmas, i love your tie btw :)
    and i really hope you'll see your gf oneday, idk but you guys look SO DAMN ADORABLE, wanna nom you both okay okay i keed :P

    god jul bro :D

    peace and love, rily xo

  2. WAIT, you already saw her, just didn't realised you already posted a photo of you and her, awwwwww :') <3

  3. Jeg liker det! :D <3 Spesielt slipset, det er genialt vet du ;)
    Savner deg<3

  4. Sv: Klok sjel? meg? :o Det har jeg ikke hørt før, men jeg liker det..:) Takk skal du ha<3 Og masse takk for en flott helg (again!) <3

  5. sv: Dere Skjoldjævler altså. Altfor glad i Mauken xD


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