Wednesday, November 24, 2010


... sometimes can override trust. She said that's why she gave it up. My man said blood spilled out of everything he touched. He crushed everything, he crushed. Ruined everything he loved, he just wanted to rush. Blame it on the times being rough. Doin' dirty with the devil, chasing after the dust. Make a fuzz if it's them, but we hush if it's us.

Lupe Fiasco ft. Sarah Green - Real

Hello my dear readers. Lately, there has not been to much goin' on. Went swimming today. Fucked up my leg. So then I figured I could give you all a small reminder.

Check out my little competition. It's still goin' "strong". But it's not too much fun when only two participants has signed up. You can find the post about it, here. And I just want to give a small shoutout to Synne and Karina for signing up. Thank you.

Are you going to sign up?
- Aleksander


  1. Skal absolutt vurdere saken!

  2. Fet sang! men du jeg finner ikke påmeldings greia! hmm skal lete litt til jeg.


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